Monday, September 26, 2011

Greddy Turbo Timer

Picked up a Greddy turbo timer from Mark who's truly generous and probably one of the coolest dudes on earth. 
I was super excited to get home once it was in my possession. First thing I wanted to do was take it apart because the one I'm building is very simple and I wanted to compare.

Well I was impressed to an extent. Quality of work was put into making the board very compact with SMT components and a multilayer board. 

Definitely would be considered a quality product and a testament to Greddys claim to true products made with R&D if it wasn't for the one fet showing signs of significant overheating. On the ribbon cable you can see some browning and the plastic casing on the inside shows signs of slight melting (not shown in picture). I'll make some sort fix and update. So beware if your buying one with significant past use.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Corvette Updates

Vette has an exhaust system now and so its officially on the road. Installed ZR1 wheels on all 4 corners with 285 in the front and 295 in the rear. When these tires are finished I'm probably going to run 295's in the front because they should fit based on how well the 285's fit and then source some 11inch rear ZR1 wheels to put 315's in the back.

With the bigger wheels and tires the braking system feels under-rated and so time to go BIG!.... well bigger

-Z06 front calipers
-Hawk HP+ pads
-13" Stop Tech slotted rotors

Still haven't lowered the vette as its a timely procedure and need to get the Silvia up and running before I do.

Larger wheels fill up the gap well

For some reason the Silvia isn't starting. It cranked over, sounded like it fired once and now just cranks.
I'm glad something is finding some good out of this.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Awesome BMW video... Must watch!!!

Oh and updates on everything soon